Impact Award
December 10, 2016Back to School
September 5, 2017Mary Staab or Mom as I know her, went the distance and laughed at Alzheimer’s challenges. She did battle with that disease for over ten years, and never lost her sense of grace, gentle kindness, and compassion. Mom was a passionate supporter and driver of our cause both financially and emotionally. Mom was very sweet all of the time but was clearly a strong woman that you did not want to tangle with and taught us to stick up for what is right by standing up to the “playground bullies” like Dystonia. She loved her grandkids very much and wanted us to do anything we could to cure dystonia. She called it quits on her time, and left us literally minutes after making sure that she saw each of her children and her sister Fran (and Larry) for one-on-ones. Her legacy in tact, the timing was nothing short of a miracle.
At 11:11 a.m. yesterday, we said goodbye to the most powerful and loving influence in our lives, and now have the responsibility to be kinder, try harder, think more creatively, and love those that need it most in her honor. I have a thousand stories to tell about both of my parents and I am comforted by the undeniable sense of humor, compassion, and fearlessness that they used everyday and that I see reflected in my siblings.
Anyone that doubts the hand of God after experiencing the events of the last two days with her is simply not paying attention.