Our Mission
About Tyler’s Hope for a Dystonia Cure
Founded in 2006, Tyler’s Hope for a Dystonia Cure is dedicated to raising awareness, advancing research, and accelerating the discovery of effective treatments for dystonia.
Dystonia is a neurological movement disorder that causes involuntary muscle contractions, forcing parts of the body into abnormal, often painful, movements and postures. It can affect any area, including the arms, legs, trunk, neck, eyelids, face, or vocal cords. While dystonia does not impact cognitive function, strength, or sensory perception, it can impair speech and significantly affect quality of life. Though not fatal, it is a chronic condition with an unpredictable prognosis.
Dystonia is the third most common movement disorder, following Parkinson’s disease and essential tremor. It affects people of all ages, races, and ethnic backgrounds—one-third of those diagnosed are children. In fact, dystonia impacts more individuals than Muscular Dystrophy, Huntington’s Disease, and Lou Gehrig’s Disease combined.
Tyler’s Hope is committed to ensuring that no other child endures the same challenges that Tyler and Samantha faced on their journey to a diagnosis. Through advocacy, education, and research, we strive to bring hope and a cure within reach.
Events, News and Diary
The Hope Weekend
The Hope Weekend is designed to celebrate together the momentum created by raising funds that have a direct impact on the research. More info Coming Soon interested in sponsorship opportunities contact ewhite@tylershope.org2024 Cajun Crawfish Boil
Saturday, April 27th, 2024, Tyler’s Hope for a Dystonia Cure held their 5th Annual Cajun Crawfish Boil at Momentum Labs in Alachua. There was something for […]Cerebellar dysfunction in rodent models with dystonia, tremor, and ataxia
Meike E. van der Heijden1,2* and Roy V. Sillitoe1,2,3,4,5* Dystonia is a movement disorder characterized by involuntary co- or over-contractions of the muscles, which results in abnormal […]2022 Events
Thanks to the support of so many sponsors and friends, 2022 has been a huge success! We spent the year raising money for vital research, spreading […]
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