Samantha Surgery and update
October 2, 2016Promotion of a Superstar Dystonia Adversary
May 4, 2017Tyler recieved an Impact Award this week for the impact he has had in our community. It was a tramendous recognition and it brought tears to my eyes thinking how proud we are of him and Samantha for inspiring people to make a difference even when faced with incredibly difficult circumstances. Both Tyler and Samantha deal with their dystonia very gracefully. There positive attitutdes are important for MIchelle and Luke and I as well as others that see what they do through the foundation work and in their daily lives. When Tyler’s award was announced he recieved a standing ovation. Very cool. Oh yeah, Tyler had just had surgery a few days before recieving the award to move his battery pack under his pectoral muscles.
Samantha is turning 16 soon and may start driving(uh-oh). She gets straight A’s still and is take all honors or AP classes. She definetly did not get that gene from me. She did however get the giggle gene from me as I often times find myself giggling uncontrollably because she is giggling uncontrollably. Her spanish pronunciation is horrific so if you speak with her ask her to say something in Spanish. Samantha continues to play volleyball and for now saint Michelle continues to drive her all over the state to play. She joined the gym recently and goes to exercise and work out.
Luke has no symptoms of dystonia but has been battling 20+ weeks of no exercise and no pressure on his right knee. It os ealing up and he hopes to be cleared of wearing his brace this Monday. He had his first concert last night at school where he is learning to play the drums and played the snare drum, suspended symbols, and the bells. He is currently studying for his finals this week and hopes to finish the semester strong. He is anxious to get back to playing lacrosse and being active.