Great Man and Ambassador
January 4, 2015I hope everyone had a great Holiday Season and will continue to have your dreams come true into the new year.
I try not to tell our life story in these updates but rather focus on the struggles with Dystonia and changes we see as they arise.
Tyler is doing well in school and works hard at keeping his grades up. He recently got into fishing, and we have worked at figuring out how he can do this because he does not use his left arm at all. I took him to our local lake recently to try his new fishing pole out that he got for his birthday. What a disaster that was. It was a cold and windy morning, and I was not very prepared. We were winging it in order to make it happen. The trolling motor did not work and did not have a battery, but we loaded the john boat and started paddling out. Each stoke I took with the oars dropped a significant amount of cold water into my lap. The weeds had grown up and the wind was blowing so it made getting around more difficult. Once we were out the wind kept blowing us back into the weeds, but we were determined for Tyler to try his new rod and reel.
Evidently when I bought the rod and reel the line had been in it for a while and built a memory that did not allow it to cast without back lashing. The combination of light tackle, winds, old fishing line, and Tyler casting with one arm were not good. Every cast was a struggle and when he got it to work, we got caught in the weeds or the line got tangled. The frustration made us regroup to try another day. My friend Will Moore helped get Tyler set back up with a new fishing line and we are ready to do it again.