Saturday, April 27th, 2024, Tyler’s Hope for a Dystonia Cure held their 5th Annual Cajun Crawfish Boil at Momentum Labs in Alachua. There was something for […]
Meike E. van der Heijden1,2* and Roy V. Sillitoe1,2,3,4,5* Dystonia is a movement disorder characterized by involuntary co- or over-contractions of the muscles, which results in abnormal […]
Carl Smith Carl Smith has been involved with the foundation since its inception. Over the years he has served as a volunteer, advocate, and donated countless […]
In September the Tyler’s Hope for a Dystonia Cure Foundation announced that Duke University has received the organization’s highest honor for excellence in research, education, and […]
Using drug screening, drug testing and imaging methods, researchers reported that ritonavir corrected abnormal protein features in the brain and had therapeutic effects in a mouse […]
Tyler’s Hope Foundation Grants Duke University the Center ofExcellence Award for Groundbreaking Dystonia Research Gainesville, FL, September 12, 2022 – The Tyler’s Hope for a Dystonia […]
Researchers at the Tyler’s Hope Center of Excellence at the University of Florida publish work on the characterization of cholinergic neurons in DYT1 dystonia
Congratulations To Dr. Stephanie Cernera and Dr. Jun Yu. Dr. Yu was awarded an clinical fellowship and Dr. Cernera a research fellowship for, “Beyond Theta: Analyzing […]