Holidays and new battles
December 30, 2014New research and Big support
March 23, 2015When we started this war on Dystonia, we knew that passion and emotion would play a huge role in our momentum, and that our ultimate victory would include challenges and heartbreak on the path to the finish. Tyler’s Hope has become a force in the quest for a cure, our confidence is high and we should all be intensely proud to be pushing Dystonia into a corner. But is with a very heavy heart that I share with you the loss of one of our most promising warriors. Don Beardsley, Tyler’s Hope Ambassador, husband, father, entrepreneur, and fearless friend, passed away Saturday after a massive heart attack. None of us were prepared for his loss.
Don was introduced to Tyler’s Hope by my brother Ken at a bar (big surprise) after a golf tournament in Miami a few years ago. After hearing the details, and seeing pictures on the website, Don broke down into tears and made a vow to be a part of the solution. He had no connections to the disorder, just a huge heart and the recognition that his kids…